Sunday, February 25, 2007

Euthanasia - The Solution to Everything

I believe a person should be allowed to choose the time, place, and manner of their own death. I take this a bit further than most others in that I put no restraints on the reasons that a person may have for making this choice.

That means that if a person wants to choose to end their own life because they see the state of the world as being beyond redemption, and their own place in it as being untenable, then they are certainly free, in my opinion, to end their own life.

I try to point out to people that they have this option. That it is available for them to choose. and that I, for one, will not judge them for it. Further I try to make it possible for people to find the information they may need to fulfill their desire of ending their own life peacefully and painlessly.

I do not charge anything for this service. I do not involve myself in the implementation of this service. I am simply the messenger.

As I get further involved in thinking of euthanasia I personally see it as a fundamental solution to many troubles. Not, as you may initially think, a quick end to a personal and temporary problem, but as a universal solution to global problems. Here's why...

As long as someone else, say a government or a church, tells you, and you believe, that you can not or should not end your own life then you are under their control in this most basic of freedoms. Giving up that freedom makes it easier for 'them' to convince you to give up other freedoms until finally you become a slave to their agenda.

In America corporations rule. It is in their interests to keep an employee alive and consuming as long as possible thereby creating markets for goods which might otherwise have no need to be made. Governments encourage this enslavement so that their citizens remain employed or at least controllable by those who do employ them. Churches enslave people...I'm not sure why. Power? Probably.

So, if euthanasia were an accepted practice, a person could choose to end their enslavement quickly and easily and, most importantly, without concern for the harm it might bring to them or their family in the future. Loss of income, poverty, jail, banishment.

Additionally, euthanasia would provide a means for everyone, not just the rich and politically connected, to enrich their family on their death instead of impoverishing them by staying alive.

Now, one must live their life to the fullest extent possible. This will ultimately lead to draining resources and ensuring the future enslavement of their family by making sure that they must remain employed in order to survive. Families do not benefit from supporting a person on life support for 15 years. Only the medical and insurance industries profit from this. (Please note, I do not advocate euthanasia for financial reasons alone, but that is, and should be considered as, one of the valid reasons for considering it.)

Others would still be free to not choose euthanasia. I have no problem with that. Some are meant to be slaves. Freedom to choose should apply to all. Even if by exercising their freedom to choose, in the negative, they in effect choose to remain enslaved.

So, in summary. if a person could end their life without recrimination then the need to stay alive and be employed would end. The need to consume would end. The rape of the planet would not be necessary in order to keep 'improving' the quality of life.

Life is pretty good without two boats gathering dust in the driveway and a two hour commute, for both parents, to a hated job. So why do we think this is an improvement? Answer: because we have been trained to think this way and we have no other way out from it. If we do not do better than the Jones' then we will have fallen behind and our family will suffer for it.

Euthanasia provides another option.

It isn't for everyone, but it should be made available for everyone to choose.

A Euthanasia Clinic would provide a place in which a Compassionate Law could be implemented.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who's Going to Stop You?

Imagine a person who rationally decides to end their life. Perhaps due to physical infirmity or pain. If they were chronically depresssed and lonely, one might argue that they shouldn't be allowed to take their own life;

Take their own life? Who's to stop them?

Jail them! Lock them in chains forever! Guess what? They are going to die anyway!!!

Anyway, back to our story:

Imagine this rational person, who for reasons of their own, decide that they wish to take control of their life and end it when they choose. Now imagine, they, like you, suffer from periods of highs and lows.

An irrational person might choose to end their life when it is most bleak, but a rational person will know that following any low there will ultimately be a high and they will wait until they are able to 'rationally' consider their choice to take their own life.

What can a person be suffering that is so great that at time they might generally consider to be one of their best, they choose to end their life? And who are we to make any kind of judgement on them for this decision?

It is difficult for me to accept that we have done so little, in terms of social evolution, to become something other than worms.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Euthanasia Censorship by Google

Here is a time line of Googles attempts to stifle - censor - search results for a Pro Euthanasia web site, Euthanasia

Oct, 2006 - Google Refuses Access

Google denies access to their Adwords campaign.

However, after discussing this denial of service with Google I was satisfied that they had decided to deny all Euthanasia site advertising. I was wrong...

Nov, 2006 - Google Removes from their search engine

The web site was listed in the Google search engine in October of 2006 and was number 3 on the first page of a search for 'Euthanasia Clinic', but after communicating my concerns over the commercial censorship of my web site to Google Adwords ...

On November 9, 2006 I discovered that the index page for had been removed from the Google Search engine thereby making impossible to find with any Google search.

The Results of a Google Search for a specific Web Site Nov 9, 2006

Your search - - did not match any documents.

From Google Webmaster Tools, Nov 9, 2006

No pages from your site are currently included in Google's index.

I can only conclude that a specific effort was made to remove this web site from the Google search engine sometime after October of 2006, when I filed my complaint against their prohibition of my web site's Adwords campaign.

An Internet search company chooses which topics it will list. Not only in what order they will be listed, but whether they will be listed at all.

While Google may say that they have a right to set standards for advertising with Google Adwords, to remove a sites index page from their search engine is censorship. If allowed for then Google in effect takes on the role of internet censor for all web sites. This corporate censorship is more harmful than government censorship since it occurs without oversight or regulation. is a web site that may offer a controversial point of view that may be in opposition to the religious or social standards of those in charge at Google, but it is a web site that deserves exposure as it discusses an issue that directly effects every person now living on the planet Earth.

Dec, 2006 - Google Threatens to Cancel My Sponsored Links Account

This, quoted from an email received, (Dec 14, 2006), from Google after I had informed them that they were sponsoring some Euthanasia web sites while denying access to mine:

Please know that if you submit these ads again, we will be
unable to run any of your AdWords ads in the future.

For your account to remain active in the future, please make the
following changes to your ad text/site content:

Please remove all reference to sensitive content. (n.b.

Additionally, please do not open any new AdWords accounts. If you do,
your newly opened accounts will be suspended upon registration and your
account fee will not be refunded.

Feb, 2007: Google you're killing me.

Google, after threatening to close my account for trying to gain recognition for this site through their paid advertising program because they wanted to avoid 'any' Euthanasia advertising, and after removing my web site from their search engine without explanation or recourse, has begun again to post some Euthanasia web sites in their paid advertising links program.

Feb 11, 2007:
A search for 'euthanasia' disclosed these sponsored links on the first, second, and third page.

Of course if I tried again to gain recognition with the Google links program, as these sites have done, I would be banned permanently. Threats made to me don't seem to have been made to one of the sites which is apparently associated with the Catholic church, although I had specifically pointed this site out to Google as one example of a euthanasia site which they were allowing to use Adwords while prohibiting mine. It was at that point that I was threatened with being permanently banned.

On the Internet you are what you find... and Google is trying damned hard to make sure you don't find

As shown on the search results page for 'euthanasia' Feb 11, 2007:

Sponsored Links

[I took out the actual links figuring Google is doing enough for them that they do not need my help as well]

Monday, February 5, 2007

Euthanasia and the Slippery Slope

I see that Switzerland, according to the bits and pieces I have seen will allow euthanasia for the mentally ill. This, according to the blogs I have seen, is the much feared 'slippery slope' that we will inevitably slide down once euthansia is allowed anywhere for anybody.

Pope Benedict Sunday renewed his appeal to Catholics to reject abortion and euthanasia saying life was God-given and could not be cut short under "the guise of human compassion."

So, according to these reports, we are on that slippery slope that God doesn't want us to take.

Now let me see if I get this correct.

God is compassionate. God has given us free will.

But we are not to use our free will to show our compassion?

Interesting God you people have created for yourselves.

Keep him. I've got another.

See my website,, for an alternative opinion.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Apoptosis - It's natural

It's Natural (Thanks to Wikipedia for this):

In biology, apoptosis (from the Greek words apo = from and ptosis = falling, commonly pronounced ap-a-tow'-sis is one of the main types of programmed cell death (PCD). As such, it is a process of deliberate life relinquishment by an unwanted cell in a multicellular organism. In contrast to necrosis, which is a form of cell death that results from acute cellular injury, apoptosis is carried out in an ordered process that generally confers advantages during an organism's life cycle. For example, the differentiation of human fingers in a developing embryo requires the cells between the fingers to initiate apoptosis so that the fingers can separate. The way the apoptotic process is executed facilitates the safe disposal of cell corpses and fragments.

In the natural world even single cells know that all life ends in death. There is a mechanism, inherent in the cell itself, to enable a cell to self-destruct with the least loss and the greatest gain to the community. It is natural for organisms to die.

The greatest good with the least harm which confers advantages to society. Sounds like a pretty good plan to me. Now if only humans, in their infinite wisdom and concert with god, could be so wise.

A Compassionate Law and a Euthanasia Clinic

Currently, a person can not be sure whether they will be charged with a crime if they choose to be with a loved one at the end. Making those who were the most loving and caring suffer for a death by choice is cruel and needlessly barbaric.

Suicide is not illegal.

A person who is about to die should not have to be concerned with the possible legal problems their death might cause a loved one who wishes only to be with them at the time of their greatest need. A Compassionate Law would create a legal framework around which a process could be developed which would allow a person to be in close physical contact with the dying at the time of death, as long as they do not actively participate in the death process itself, and be assured that they would not be subject to persecution afterwards.

One way of ensuring compliance with a Compassionate Law would be to establish Euthanasia Clinics. These would be places, regulated by the state, where people could come together in the final hours to give solace and comfort. A well regulated Euthanasia Clinic would provide a place where a Compassionate Law could be implemented.