Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Autralians will not be denied

According to a UPI story, May 7, 2007, elderly Austarlians are taking matters into their own hands.

Choosing a peaceful and painless death in the time, place, and manner of your choosing is not an easy thing to do. Governments, churches, and families may all make it difficult for a person to carry out this most fundamental of individual choices. In Australia some are making trips to Mexico in order to bring back the necessary lethal quantities of barbiturates, (Nembutal is mentioned), in order to free themselves of the burden of a life they no longer want to live.

The Australian government has declared Nembutal to be an illegal drug. Medical personnel are wondering how they help to prevent a person from making this all important decision without a doctor intervening. The church... well the church does what you'd expect in the face of individuals exerting power over death. They have declared it a sin.

But people persist.

Good for them.

To see more of my thoughts on Euthanasia visit my web site at, . While there post your own views on this subject at the new forum. Registration is free and easy.

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